
发表时间:2011-10-31浏览次数: 评论: 分享: 顶: 踩:


溴乙烷; 乙基溴; Bromoethane; Monobromoethane; Bromoethane; Ethyl Bromide; CAS:74-96-4


无色挥发性液体,气味似醚。遇空气和光颜色变黄。分子式C2-H5-Br。分子量109。相对密度1.461(20/4℃)。熔点-119℃。沸点38.4℃。闪点<-20℃。自燃点511.11℃。蒸气密度3.76。蒸气压53.32kPa(400mmHg21℃)。蒸气与空气爆炸限6.7~11.3% 。水中溶解度(0.914g/ 100g 20℃),与乙醇、乙醚、氯仿及其它有机溶剂混溶。遇热、明火、氧化剂易燃烧爆炸。在光线或火焰下,易分解产生溴化氢、溴。与水或水蒸汽反应产生有毒和腐蚀性气体。







大鼠经口LD50: 1350 mg/kg; 吸入LC50: 26980 ppm/1H。小鼠吸入LC50: 16230 ppm/1H。








*Those workers suffering from diseases of liver, kidney and lung should be /SRP: protected from exposure/. [R13, 222]

*Employees should be screened for history of certain medical conditions which might place the employee at increased risk from ethyl bromide exposure. Skin disease: Ethyl bromide can cause dermatitis on prolonged exposure. Persons with existing skin disorders may be more susceptible to the effects of this agent. Liver disease: Ethyl bromide has produced liver damage in ... man, which should be considered before exposing persons with impaired liver function. Kidney disease: Since ethyl bromide has produced kidney damage in ... man, special consideration in those with impaired renal function is justified. Chronic respiratory disease: In persons with impaired pulmonary function, especially those with obstructive airway diseases, the breathing of ethyl bromide might cause exacerbation of symptoms due to its irritant properties. Cardiovascular disease: In persons with impaired cardiovascular function, especially those with a history of cardiac arrhythmias, the inhalation of ethyl bromide might cause exacerbation of disorders of the conduction mechanism due to its sensitizing effects on the myocardium. [R19]

*The former use of ethyl bromide as a human anesthetic produced respiratory irritation and caused some fatalities, either immediately, due to respiratory or cardiac arrest, or delayed, from effects on the liver, kidney, or heart. Relatively little experience with this substance in industry has been reported, but exposure of volunteers to 6500 ppm for 5 minutes produced vertigo, slight headache, and mild eye irritation. Irritation of the skin occurs from repeated contact with ethyl bromide liquid. [R19]

*Exposure to ethyl bromide may cause irritation of the lung, eyes, and skin. It may cause dizzines, loss of balance, slurred speech, unconsciousness, and death. Over exposure to this agent may also cause damage to the liver, kidneys, and heart. After-effects from severe exposure may occur up to 30 hours after the exposure has ceased. [R19]

*Limited human experience during surgical anesthesia has indicated, in addition to CNS depression, the possibility of lung congestion and degeneration of the liver and kidney tissues. [R27, 3485]

*Acute neurotoxic effects reported in humans include anesthesia;  CNS depression. Additinal neurotoxic effects reported in humans include somnolence;  speech disorders;  ataxia;  nystagmus;  leg weakness;  finger, muscle fiber tremor;  rocking;  cranial nerve problems;  vertigo;  sensitivity disorders;  numbness. /From table/ [R28]

*/It was/ found that 12,000 ppm ethyl bromide caused immediate eye irritation in human volunteers and 5-minute exposure to 6500 ppm lead to eye irritation, headache, and vertigo. [R29, 588]






美国ACGIH TLV-TWA 22 mg/m3 (5 ppm) (皮肤)

美国MSHA STANDARD-air: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

美国OSHA PEL(所有行业): 8H TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

澳大利亚: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3), STEL 250 ppm (1110 mg/m3)

奥地利: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

比利时: TWA 200 ppm (891 mg/m3), STEL 250 ppm (1100 mg/m3)

丹麦: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

芬兰: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3), STEL 250 ppm (1115 mg/m3)

法国: TWA 288 ppm (890 mg/m3)

德国: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

匈牙利: TWA 50 mg/m3, STEL 100 mg/m3, 皮肤

荷兰: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

菲律宾: TWA 300 ppm (890 mg/m3)

波兰: TWA 50 mg/m3

俄罗斯: STEL 5 mg/m3

瑞士: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3), STEL 1000 ppm

土耳其: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3)

英国: TWA 200 ppm (890 mg/m3), STEL 250 ppm

保加利亚,哥伦比亚,约旦,韩国 参照美国 ACGIH TLV

新西兰,新加坡,越南 参照美国 ACGIH TLV

危规:GB6.1 类61564。原铁规:有机有毒品,84011。UN NO.1891。IMDG CODE 6082-5页,6.1 类。






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